

The registration fees are as follows: (kindly take note the early-bird deadline is extended to 15 Nov)

Registration Category

Early Bird Registration

(by 15 Nov 2022)

Regular Registration

(After 15 Nov 2022)

Full Registration
(IEEE/ISCA Member)

SGD 580

(each additional paper: SGD 300)

SGD 630

Full Registration

SGD 630

(each additional paper: SGD 300)

SGD 680

Student/Retired Registration (IEEE/ISCA Member)

SGD 350

SGD 400

Student/Retired Registration


SGD 380

SGD 430



  • All fees are in Singapore dollars (SGD). SGD 1 equals about USD 0.7 according to the recent exchange rate.

  • The registration fees cover attending technical sessions, tutorials, lunch and coffee breaks during the conference, welcome reception, banquet, an electronic copy of the conference proceedings, and conference gift.

  • The conference offers a discounted rate to ISCA and IEEE Members. To enjoy the discounted rate, a membership ID must be provided at the time of registration. 

  • Each accepted paper must be registered under one full registration. One full registration can cover one paper.  The registration fee for each additional paper is SGD300. 

  • In-person participation and online participation follow the same registration rates.

  • For student registration, a document for student identity should be provided by email to wang3stones@outlook.comStudent registration does not cover paper publication.

  • Payment can be made with credit cards or bank transfers. For bank transfer, please make payment to the following account:

    Account name: Pattern Recognition & Machine Intelligence Association 
    Account no.: 24-0-831177-7
    Bank name: Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited – Holland Village Branch
    Swift Address: SCBLSG22
    Bank address: 261 Holland Avenue Singapore 278986
    Beneficiary’s Address: 1 Fusionopolis Way, #21-01 Connexis (South Tower), Singapore, 138632 



For additional information about registration and payment, don’t hesitate to contact the financial chair Dr. Lei Wang at