The registration fees are as follows: (kindly take note the early-bird deadline is extended to 15 Nov)
Registration Category |
Early Bird Registration (by 15 Nov 2022) |
Regular Registration (After 15 Nov 2022) |
Full Registration |
SGD 580 (each additional paper: SGD 300) |
SGD 630 |
Full Registration |
SGD 630 (each additional paper: SGD 300) |
SGD 680 |
Student/Retired Registration (IEEE/ISCA Member) |
SGD 350 |
SGD 400 |
Student/Retired Registration (Non-Member) |
SGD 380 |
SGD 430 |
All fees are in Singapore dollars (SGD). SGD 1 equals about USD 0.7 according to the recent exchange rate.
The registration fees cover attending technical sessions, tutorials, lunch and coffee breaks during the conference, welcome reception, banquet, an electronic copy of the conference proceedings, and conference gift.
The conference offers a discounted rate to ISCA and IEEE Members. To enjoy the discounted rate, a membership ID must be provided at the time of registration.
Each accepted paper must be registered under one full registration. One full registration can cover one paper. The registration fee for each additional paper is SGD300.
In-person participation and online participation follow the same registration rates.
For student registration, a document for student identity should be provided by email to Student registration does not cover paper publication.
- Payment can be made with credit cards or bank transfers. For bank transfer, please make payment to the following account:
Account name: Pattern Recognition & Machine Intelligence Association
Account no.: 24-0-831177-7
Bank name: Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited – Holland Village Branch
Swift Address: SCBLSG22
Bank address: 261 Holland Avenue Singapore 278986
Beneficiary’s Address: 1 Fusionopolis Way, #21-01 Connexis (South Tower), Singapore, 138632
For additional information about registration and payment, don’t hesitate to contact the financial chair Dr. Lei Wang at