Paper Submission Instructions


Congratulations on having your paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP).


The Program Committee worked very hard to thoroughly review all the submitted papers. Please repay their efforts by following their suggestions when you revise your paper. Please pay special attention to language and format issues in addition to technical issues.

The following is some specific advice:

  1. The camera-ready paper should contain the author names and affiliations which were removed in the version for review. For Chinese author names, please place the family names after the given name.
  2. Please follow the formatting advice strictly. Otherwise, the editor will have the right to remove the paper from the conference proceedings.
  3. Please check your English writing carefully. Papers with grammar problems will be removed by the editor even if the conference has accepted them earlier.
  4. English papers should not consist of references in Chinese and other Asian languages. They should be translated into English. Examples in languages other than English in papers should have English translations.
  5. Please limit the number of pages to no more than five pages (including references). 


  1. Registration to Cover Paper: Each accepted paper must be covered by a registration. The registration to cover paper must be received by the author registration deadline.
  2. IEEE Presentation Policy: Each accepted paper must be presented by one of its authors at the conference. Authors of any paper accepted into the technical program but not presented will be removed from post-conference indexing/archiving and also blacklisted from future IEEE conferences.
  3. Important Deadlines:

  • Paper submission deadline: 10 Oct 2022
  • Author registration deadline: 10 Oct 2022 


Papers should be submitted to as you did for review.

Click to submit camera-ready paper


The link for the copyright form will be sent to authors after camera-ready papers are received.


Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions must describe substantial, original, completed, and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included.
  • All submissions should be camera-ready PDF files of up to 5 pages. The last page may only contain references if the paper consists of 5 pages. All papers must conform to the official double-column format in accordance with the format of the template files.
  • As the reviewing will be blind, manuscripts must not include the authors’ names and affiliations. Authors should ensure that their identities are not revealed in any way in the paper. Self-references that reveal the author’s identity must be avoided.
  • Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, relevance to the conference, and interest to the attendees. Each submission will be reviewed by three program committee members. Accepted papers will be presented in one of the oral sessions or poster sessions as determined by the program committee.
  • It is also a condition that at least one author of an accepted paper is registered by the early registration deadline, or the paper will be withdrawn and not published in the proceedings.
  • Each accepted paper must be presented by one of its authors at the conference. Authors of any paper accepted into the technical program but not presented on-site will be removed from post-conference indexing/archiving and also be blacklisted from future IEEE conferences.
  • The official language of ISCSLP conference is English. Papers should be written in English, and accepted papers should be presented in English at the conference.

Submission Timeline

A two-phase paper submission process is scheduled for ISCSLP 2022. This allows the submission of the most recent research and also the easy management of paper review.

  • Phase 1 (by 15 Aug 2022):  Regular Papers 
  • Phase 2 (by 10 Sep 2022):  Special Session Papers and Regular Papers

In Phase 2, paper submissions are invited to the following special sessions:

  • Special Session: Data Augmentation in Speech Technologies
  • Special Session: Automatic Depression Detection
  • Special Session: Audio-Visual Talking Head 
  • Special Session: Deep Noise Reduction
