International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP) is a biennial conference for scientists, researchers, and practitioners to report and discuss the latest progress in all theoretical and technological aspects of spoken language processing. Since 1998, it has been successfully held in Singapore (1998), Beijing (2000), Taipei (2002), Hong Kong (2004), Singapore (2006), Kunming (2008), Tainan (2010), Hong Kong (2012), Singapore (2014), Tianjin (2016), Taipei (2018), and Hong Kong ( 2021). ISCSLP is the flagship conference of SIG-CSLP, ISCA. The 13th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2022) will be held in Singapore on 11-14 Dec 2022.
ISCSLP 2022 is organized by Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS) and Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Association (PREMIA), and supported by National University of Singapore.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to the following:
- Speech Production and Perception
- Speech Analysis
- Speech Coding
- Speech Enhancement
- Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implant
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Corpus-based Linguistics
- Speech and Language Disorders
- Speech Recognition
- Spoken Language Translation
- Speaker, Language, and Emotion Recognition
- Speech Synthesis
- Language Modeling
- Speech Prosody
- Spoken Dialog Systems
- Machine Learning Techniques in Speech and Language Processing
- Voice Conversion
- Indexing, Retrieval, and Authoring of Speech Signals
- Multi-Modal Interfaces
- Speech and Language Processing in Education
- Spoken Language Resources and Technology Evaluation
- Applications of Spoken Language Processing Technology
- Singing Voice Processing
- Other Spoken Language Processing Related Topics
While ISCSLP is focused primarily on Chinese languages, works on other languages that may be applied to Chinese speech and language are also encouraged. The working language of ISCSLP is English.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, five-page papers for presentation in any of the areas listed above. The fifth page contains only references. Reviewing will be double-blind. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
Submission Timeline
A two-phase paper submission process is scheduled for ISCSLP 2022. This allows the submission of the most recent research and also the easy management of paper review.
- Phase 1 (by 15 Aug 2022): Regular Papers
- Phase 2 (by 10 Sep 2022): Special Session Papers and Regular Papers
In Phase 2, paper submissions are invited to the following special sessions:
- Special Session: Data Augmentation in Speech Technologies
- Special Session: Automatic Depression Detection
- Special Session: Audio-Visual Talking Head
- Special Session: Deep Noise Reduction